Love is Love
What better time to talk about Love than during Pride month?
I don't talk about politics or religion much and for good reasons, but what I will always talk about with anyone is Love. It is the universal truth that binds us. It is the culmination of all the energy the universe has to give into the one thing that makes us most human. As Ram Dass said, "Love coalesces the universe. The oneness of the universe is Love!".
Without it we are truly nothing but bags of flesh. Love creates our personalities - In its light, it fuels our passions and desires, and in its shadow, defines our fears and hatred.
But Ken, you might ask, you mentioned Pride month, what in the blazes do you as a straight 42 year old male have to say (or the right to say) about Pride? That's simple: Love is Love. I am proud to show my love. Why can't my loved ones, my friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community be proud to share theirs too? Our love is the same. The thing about true love, and I'm talking about unconditional, not false or taboo, but unabashed deep love, is that it doesn't judge. Ever.
So, I try to choose Love above all else in my day to day life: When someone wrongs me, I choose Love. When someone needs my help, I choose Love. When I get frustrated or mad about something, I breathe, and then I choose Love. For myself. For others. For the universe to continue to coalesce and flow.
To all my humans, I love you. You are worthy of the love that others give you. You are worthy of the love you give yourself. And don't be afraid to share your love with whomever you damn well choose because we are all the same people: lovers, strangers, family and friends.
Spread Love. Hug someone today, anyone. Then do it again tomorrow and the next day, and every day of your life after that. Trust me, it's worth it.